Artificial Intelligence Resume
Desired Industry: Engineering |
SpiderID: 84313 |
Desired Job Location: Greater Boston Area, Massachusetts |
Date Posted: 9/1/2023 |
Type of Position: Full-Time Permanent |
Availability Date: |
Desired Wage: |
U.S. Work Authorization: Yes |
Job Level: Experienced with over 2 years experience |
Willing to Travel: |
Highest Degree Attained: Masters |
Willing to Relocate: |
Objective: Seeking new career opportunities in AI and machine learning.
Experience: Cognizer, Inc, Pleasanton, CA, SEPT 2019 – APR 2023 (layoff) Research Architect | Project Management Jul 2021 – Apr 2023 Patents ▪️ Inventor on patents in the field of Natural Language Processing (NLP). - Named Entity Recognition Using Capsule Networks - Named Entity Disambiguation Using Capsule Networks - System and Method for Nested Named Entity Recognition - Semantic Frame Identification Using Transformers
Project Management ▪️ Spearheaded Patent Team of 5 data scientists and researchers. ▪️ Coordinated project documentation for the attorneys to apply for patents. ▪️ Led brainstorming sessions with the Patent Team to invent the model to patent.
Research and Development | Intellectual Property ▪️ Researched AI, Natural Language Processing (NLP), and related topics. ▪️ Evaluated misconceptions in the English language using ideology from the Linguistic Justice movement for the company to adjust how they approach conversational AI.
Documentation | Editing ▪️ Wrote up patent concepts for the attorney, including providing detailed explanations of the patent and related concepts as required. ▪️ Created diagrams using diagrams.net to illustrate the models. ▪️ Wrote summaries of research papers in a research paper repository. ▪️ Detailed editing of long-term vision and technical documents for customer communication. ▪️ Extensive proofreading of the patent drafts. ▪️ Wrote blog posts for company intranet explaining patent models and their purpose.
Cognizer, Inc Research Intern Sept 2019 – Jul 2021 Patents ▪️ Inventor on patents in the field of NLP. - Semantic Frame Identification Using Capsule Networks
Project Management ▪️ Started as part of the Patent Team then moved to leading the 5 member team. ▪️ Coordinated project documentation for the attorneys to apply for patents. ▪️ Led brainstorming sessions with the Patent Team to invent the model to patent.
Research and Development ▪️ Researched Natural Language Processing (NLP) topics.
Documentation | Editing ▪️ Wrote patent concepts for the attorney, including providing detailed explanations of the patent and related concepts as required. ▪️ Created diagrams using diagrams.net to illustrate the models. ▪️ Wrote summaries of research papers in a research paper repository.
Intel, Hillsboro, OR, SUMMER – FALL 2016 HR Data Science Intern Data Science ▪️ Gathered and cleaned data on factors connected to competitors’ hiring practices. ▪️ Built a model using R utilizing machine learning to determine when Intel competitors would be going into distress. Model was successful enough to warrant further development.
Research Presentation ▪️ Condensed diversity research results into a presentation that could be understood by the general population at Intel. ▪️ Presented to the HR data science team.
Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory (LLNL), Livermore, CA, SUMMER 2014 Intern Research ▪️ Research project related to inertial confinement fusion at the National Ignition Facility (NIF) using magnetic field to try to achieve ignition. ▪️ Ran simulations and analyzed data from simulations. ▪️ Results showed projected improvement in energy yield by 3 orders of magnitude and predicted yield sufficient for ignition.
Presentation ▪️ Presented results to LLN Laboratory staff at conclusion of internship. ▪️ Presented results as a poster at the Midstates Consortium: Undergraduate Research Symposium in the Physical Sciences, Mathematics, and Computer Science in the Fall of 2014.
C2 Education, Pleasanton, CA, MAR 2018 – JUN 2019 Teacher ▪️ Tutored students in 4th grade through 12th grade in math and physics for their school coursework. ▪️ Taught math subject material for SAT prep. ▪️ Taught math subject material and science subject material for ACT prep.
Education: Masters in Mathematics Boston University | GPA: 3.96
Bachelors in Mathematics and Physics St. Olaf College
Additional Information: Patents SEMANTIC FRAME IDENTIFICATION USING CAPSULE NETWORKS Purpose: Capturing the “sense” of words based on the context present, using CapsNet ID: WO2021247610A1 Filed: June 1, 2021 Inventors: Jack Porter, Soundararajan Velu, Vineeth Munirathnam, Suzanne Kirch, Rajiv Baronia URL: https://patents.google.com/patent/WO2021247610A1/
NAMED ENTITY RECOGNITION USING CAPSULE NETWORKS Purpose: Identifying and classifying named entities in text, using CapsNet ID: WO2022109203A1 Filed: November 18, 2021 Inventors: Jack Porter, Soundararajan Velu, Vineeth Munirathnam, Suzanne Kirch, Rajiv Baronia URL: https://patents.google.com/patent/WO2022109203A1/
NAMED ENTITY DISAMBIGUATION USING CAPSULE NETWORKS Purpose: Identifying, classifying, and disambiguating (differentiating) named entities in text, using CapsNet ID: WO2022173773A1 Filed: February 9, 2022 Inventors: Suzanne Kirch, Vineeth Munirathnam, Rajiv Baronia, Jack Porter URL: https://patents.google.com/patent/WO2022173773A1/
SYSTEM AND METHOD FOR NESTED NAMED ENTITY RECOGNITION Purpose: Identifying and classifying all named entities in text, including those nested within longer named entities, using CapsNet ID: WO2022221603A1 Filed: April 14, 2022 Inventors: Suzanne Kirch, Rajiv Baronia, Vineeth Munirathnam, Jack Porter URL: https://patents.google.com/patent/WO2022221603A1/
SEMANTIC FRAME IDENTIFICATION USING TRANSFORMERS Purpose: Capturing the “sense” of the word based on context, using transformers ID: WO2023069396A1 Filed: October 18, 2022 Inventors: Jack Porter, Rajiv Baronia, Suzanne Kirch, Vineeth Munirathnam, Aditya Arun URL: https://patents.google.com/patent/WO2023069396A1/
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